Hebe in Agate - Kundalini Series
Goddess: Hebe
Goddess of eternal youth and weddings. Cup bearer of the gods in greek mythology. Restorer of beauty.
Chakra: Crown
Center for deeper connection with ourselves and the universe. Mediates inspiration and transcendence.
Stone: Agate
Stone that works as source of support in career. Encourages productivity. Keeps you energized and empowered.
Size: 18 x 20
About The Kundalini Series
This series is based upon Apaid’s interpretation of Kundalini, which is the primal energy and consciousness that is the source of life-force. Each handcrafted piece is designed to activate and stimulate a specific “chakra” which interacts with our physiological and neurological systems with the aim to attain spiritual enlightenment and live an awakened life.
Status: Collected