Shakti - Kundalini Series
Shakti is emblematic of power, energy and force. Cosmic existence as well as liberation, its most significant form being the Kundalini Shakti, a mysterious psycho-spiritual force.
Shakti’s dance is the dance of the cosmos bringing forth creation. Every transformation of energy - from physical to mental to spiritual - is a new expression of her dance, as each level of creation emerges.
Shakti is another name for the mother goddess from whom everything in creation flows. Metaphysically, in Indian tradition - as well as in Taoism - Shakti is the name given to the fundamental creative dynamism that gives rise to the universe.
About The Kundalini Series
This series is based upon Apaid’s interpretation of Kundalini, which is the primal energy and consciousness that is the source of life-force. Each handcrafted piece is designed to activate and stimulate a specific “chakra” which interacts with our physiological and neurological systems with the aim to attain spiritual enlightenment and live an awakened life.
Status: Available. Email for inquiry